Ответы на ДПА 2016
- 20.05.2016 11:29Государственная итоговая аттестация - ДПА 2016 - важный момент для всех выпускников, поскольку результаты ДПА 2016 войдут в документ о полном среднем образовании. При потсуплении в высшие учебные заведения важную роль может сыграть также балл аттестата, потому и внешнее независимое тестирование по нужным предметам, и ДПА 2016 желательно сдать как можно лучше, потому необходимо знать точно ответы на ДПА 2016.
Напомним, что некоторые предметы, по которым выпускники сдавали ЗНО 2016, не нужно будет сдавать повторно в качестве государственной итоговой аттестации. Результат тестирования будет переведен и сформирован в оценку по 12-балльной шкале, и этот балл будет вписан в документ выпускника. В нынешнем году все выпускники сдавали ДПА 2016 в форме внешнего независимого оценивания по украинскому языку и литературе - обязательно для всех выпускников. На выбор предоставлялась возможность сдавать ЗНО 2016 по истории Украины или математике, и эти баллы также будут засчитываться как результат ДПА.
Ниже представлены задания и предварительные ответы на ДПА 2016 по английскому языку.
Ориентировочные ответы и задания к ДПА по английскому + сочинение Уровень B1:
Часть 1:
1. Artland.
Are you aged 4-14?
Have fun making art!
Thursday 6.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
$4 per lesson - Half price for kids aged under 10!
A. are for teenagers only.
B. cost less for some children.
C. are available from Monday to Friday.
2.We would like to inform all passengers that flight FA218 to Milan will begin boarding in 10 minutes from gate B6, and not B3 as announced earlier.
A. is leaving from gate B6.
B. has arrived from Milan
C. will take off in 10 minutes
To: Harry
From: George
Re: book
Could you please send me your address so i can send you that history book you gave me ages ago? I just now realised i still have it. It's a good thing it had your name on the first page. Sorry...
A. Harry borrowed a book and forgot to return it.
B. George wrote his name on the first page of the book.
C. Harry's book has been at George's house for a long time.
16-19 September 2016
Charmley Theatre, Brunswick.
Dream Sisters, Pitaka and money morel.
A. The festival takes place three times a year.
B. This year the festival lasts for seven days.
C.Tickets can be bought two months before the event.
Michael, i've just realised that i don't have my football shirt for tomorrow's game against Primrose secondary school. Can you lend me yours, please?
A. Jason would like to borrow Michael's football shirt.
B. Jason is offering to lend Michael his football shirt.
C. Michael has borrowed Jason's football shirt.
Passengers are reminded that from Monday to Friday bicycles are allowed only after 9 a.m. and only at the back of the train.
A. are not allowed before 9 a.m. on weekdays.
B. must be taken to the front of the train.
C. are now allowed after 9 a.m.
2-3 Часть на фото:
7. A)
8. B)
9. A)
10. A)
11. B)
12. A)
13. A)
14. A)
15. B)
16. A)
17. C)
18. B)
19. C)
20. C)
Творческое задание
Hello my dear friend, I could not come to your birthday, because I was sick very much.
I am very sorry for this, and I'm sure that we'll celebrate your birthday.
I want to ask you how you celebrated your birthday?
I want to know how everything went, my it is also interesting, to tell me who came to celebrate with you? I have a gift I want to meet with you to give it to you, write or call when read this.
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